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Ganesha Statue with Marigolds

My Story

I've always felt like I was a bit different.  Like I never really fit in anywhere. And I've always felt like I was extra sensitive, like I was able to pick up on the energy in a room or a person, even from a very young age. I've also had this feeling like there is something more, beyond this human existence. 


It wasn't until I was in my teen's at my local spiritual store when I discovered my first deck of Angel Cards. I pulled a card, and it was if a lightbulb turned on inside of me! I not only found the card to be extemely accurate, but it was as if a part of my soul ignited. From there, I was hooked.

There was no going back. 


But I've also always had a strong desire to help people and understand what makes them tick. So I continued my journey with a Bachelor's in Psychology.  But being the kind of person that beats to my own drum, I find it difficult to exist in the limiting 3D matrix that we all know (but only sometimes love.) I wanted something more! And I wanted to be able to help people on a global scale, not limited by time or distance.

And being a lover of life and learning, I have since received a certification in Angel Card Readings, Reiki, Animal Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Crystal Healing, Angel Healing, and Spirit Guides. I have also accumulated loads and loads of crystals, card decks, candles, and other wonderful healing tools along the way. I discovered that I have a strong connection to the angels, including Archangel Michael & Archangel Gabriel, who is my spirit guide.  


I also discovered that I am an Earth Angel, specifically an Incarnated Angel, which means that I am an Angel that has come to earth to help others on their spiritual journey. And I have discovered that I have been giften the wonderful ability to channel messages from the spirit realm! Therefore I decided to develop this psychic wellness business, which combines the elements I've been given and the elements I have learned. 


I enjoy all things metaphysical, including crystals, gemstones, astrology, books, spiritual healing, aromatherapy, chakras, and card decks.  I have a strong passion for music and dancing! I also enjoy spending time in nature, reading, hiking, eating good food, exploring, making art, being near the ocean, and making people smile.

My Mission

My main mission is to assist my clients to release all that no longer serves them in order to manifest their dreams into reality.  I work with all of my clients on a deep, emotional level, to understand exactly what they require out of my services.

I use my gifts to help people all over the world online and locally, via one-on-one visits as well as parties and events. I have a passion for helping others.


I have a passion for helping them to:

- Cut energetic cords

- Be abundant and assertive

- Manifest their dreams into reality

- Discover their true calling & life purpose

- Clear negative unwanted energies from their body & space

- Connect with their spirit guides, guardian angels & higher self

- Enhance the relationship they have with themselves & with others.

I am honored to share these gifts with you! If you are in need of assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. 

Energy Healing
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